How to Travel the World on $50 a Day: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Smarter
For over half a decade, Matt Kepnes (aka Nomadic Matt) has used his massively popular travel blog to teach readers how to travel the world on the cheap.
Arguing that traditional travel media lies, Matt cuts through the myth that travel is expensive. How to Travel the World on $50 a Day reveals Matt’s tips, tricks, and secrets to comfortable budget travel that you won’t find anywhere else.
Traditional media shows you expensive hotels, resorts, cruises, and packages because that’s what makes them money. They make you believe you have to spend money on travel.
This book will show you why that is a lie and how to use the system against itself to gain free flights, hotel rooms, find alternative accommodation, get into attractions for free, websites to find the best deals, and as well as detailed costs and saving tips for destinations around the world.
Whether it’s a two-week, two-month, or two-year trip, Nomadic Matt shows you how to stretch your money further so you can travel cheaper, smarter, and longer.
If you want to stop dreaming of travel and start doing it, this book is for you.