Taylor Moon

Home & Away

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Explore the world.

Join me on my journey to travel to all 197 recognized countries (and some unrecognized ones too)! 

Learn from my experiences travelling the world for the last 28 years with my:

  • Travel Blogs
  • Travel Guides
Counter: 34/197

Discover the world of plants.

Keep your plants alive and thriving from someone (me) with 4+ years experience as as a serious plant parent!

  • Individual Plant Care Guides
  • How to Save Your Plants from Pests and Tackle Common Problems
  • Essentials for Every Plant Owner
  • How to Keep Your Plants Alive on Vacation
  • & More!

Explore the world of books.

Evolving list of all the books I have read and recommend!

As someone who loves travelling and reading, there are a lot of historical fictions, non-fictions, and adventure books in here.

Reading goal for 2024: 20/30