About Me

Hi! I’m Taylor. Thanks for stopping by!

Originally, this website was my platform to share my travel experiences, but as I’ve grown, so have my passions. Now, I want to expand beyond just travel and dive into the captivating world of plants. Both travel and plants pique my curiosities, and desire to experiment and explore.

Here, you’ll find a blend of personal diary entries and informative guides on both travel and plants. I believe in sharing not only my triumphs but also my missteps in order to help others navigate their own journeys. My goal is to be a resource for you, offering insights gained from real experiences and lessons learned along the way.

Home & Away

Travel has been an integral part of my life since I was a child. It has broadened my perspective, allowing me to experience diversity throughout the world, the ways of life, and stand in the footsteps of historical events. When I embark on a trip, I seek a well-rounded experience. It’s not just about observing people’s lifestyles; it’s about immersing myself in their cuisine, culture, environment, and even encountering local wildlife.

With a keen interest in history, many of my travel destinations have historical significance, even if they have a darker past. I believe that understanding our global history and learning from past mistakes is important. While some of my chosen locations can be contentious, I strive to go to them with an open mind, preferring firsthand experiences over potentially biased narratives to draw my on conclusions. My fascination with human behaviour and the underlying stories has always fuelled my curiosity.

Eventually my curiosities led me to the world of houseplants. Like many, when the pandemic confined us to our homes, I felt the urge to bring the outside world in. Living in a condo with limited natural light and no outdoor space, I embraced indoor gardening by acquiring my first tropical plant, a Monstera Deliciosa I named Monty.

Monty became my connection to nature. Caring for my plants, tending to their needs, and delving into their origins has become a mindful practice for me. My love for houseplants has lead me to take an introduction to botany course to better understand their behaviour. With my new found basic understanding to botany, I started to take timelapses to understand the different factors that impact my plant and how it behaves.

This website is a fusion of my desire to understand both humans and plants.